Driving around town, we happened to notice a beautiful painted turtle statue at the edge of one of the beach parking lots, then another at the nearby park, and another across the street! My ever-ready-photo-driver quickly found places to pull over so I could jump out to photograph these beauties. They were not signed and there were no signs or information anywhere around them to tell you who, what, when or why. When I got back to the RV, I looked them up and found a small bit of info. A total of 52 artists were invited to participate, back in 2005, in a Vero Beach fundraiser. These are the remaining sculptures that didn't get auctioned off. I only found a few of their sculptures (there seems to be 13 left). It's a shame the Chamber doesn't honor them with appropriate signage.

Just down the coast from Vero Beach, is the town of Jupiter and the 1860 Jupiter Inlet Lighthouse & Museum. It's a pretty lighthouse; a no longer working one, with their museum in a restored World War II Naval Housing Quarters building. It sits right on a nice quiet beach, where Jack enjoyed watching the nearby bridge open up for the local yachts to pass through to the other side! Nice of them, don't you think?

Besides the beautiful houses (and they are plentiful) and the beautiful beaches (again, plentiful) they have sooo many beautiful trees, shrubs, flowers etc. I'm constantly going "ohh, ahh, look!" as we drive along. Once in awhile, we come across a street that both of us go "ohhh my!" and we have to stop and admire...here's one such street...

Then, after all that, we come back, poor ourselves something cold to drink, pull up a chair, prop up our feet and get back into our current book while we enjoy the soft breeze and wait for the sun to set. Ahh, life is good...

...kicking back in Florida, Marie
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